Tuxera ntfs review
Tuxera ntfs review

THAT reason alone is a great reason to FOREVER AVOID PARAGON like the plague! But something as life-critical as a file-system driver to store all of your precious DATA is NEVER good as closed-source! A filesystem NEEDS to be open and needs to have a lot of developers looking at it to ensure it is safe and stable. Most software is better as closed-source (since it gives financial incentive to perfect the software). That's unlike Paragon's terrible, buggy, closed-source "black hole" mystery driver. Because a LOT of Linux nerds rely on NTFS-3G for their daily lives, and any bugs are quickly found and fixed. With Tuxera you will get MORE STABILITY and LESS RISK of data corruption.

  • In case I am not being clear enough: Massive, community-developed, open-source software like NTFS-3G leads to a product that's extremely well-tested and stable, and that's one of many reasons why Tuxera is a METRIC ****TON HIGHER-QUALITY than Paragon.
  • With that MASSIVE project as their backbone, you can TRUST that ANY bugs in their NTFS code have a lot of eyes on them and are found by tons of worldwide developers and then fixed quickly! It also powers NTFS support on desktop Linux. The community-based, open-source NTFS driver that powers the NTFS readers/writers in countless Android smartphones and other portable devices with card/USB readers. Literally: When it gets too difficult for them, they will run away.

    tuxera ntfs review

    Customers attest that they just ignore you if there are issues beyond their comprehension.

    tuxera ntfs review

  • After they've taken your money, they do not answer any difficult support questions with any kind of competency.
  • tuxera ntfs review

    Does that sound like something you'd want your NTFS driver to install?

  • They force you to install disgusting "extras" like " Paragon Software Facebook Agent" on your computer.
  • They constantly shove disgusting "promotions", coupons and spam-like email offers into your throats, and they recruit disgusting affiliates via their pyramid scheme, which is why the web is full of fake reviews trying to trick fools into buying Paragon via their affiliate cash links.
  • Paragon as a company are sleazy scumbags.
  • And you want to trust that buggy "black box" with your important FILESYSTEM data!? No thanks!
  • Completely closed-source, and therefore nobody else can look at/find/fix their huge pile of bugs in their filesystem code.
  • Geeze, they're really trying hard to milk this sick cow! They even frequently have sales on the value pack, for about $38. I guess they realized nobody was buying their expensive, buggy garbage with sleazy yearly upgrade fees anymore, so they bundled it all into one giant sh|t-pile to try to sell it one last time.
  • They now offer a "UFSD Value Pack" for $49.99 which has their 4 drivers (NTFS and ExtFS for Mac, HFS+ and ExtFS for Windows) along with lifetime free upgrades, plus their free and incredibly terrible and risky NTFS-HFS converter (which insanely converts the filesystem format live without doing any backups, so if your computer crashes while it isn't finished converting, then you're stuck with a disk that's half-NTFS, half-Mac, and can say bye bye to your data!).
  • And they still charge their users a full upgrade cost every year as if that was a "major" upgrade.
  • Every year they release a new "major" version, but all they ever add is support for the new Apple macOS version.
  • They use a sleazy, hardware-locked activation check with online DRM activation.
  • Their ExtFS driver is still very buggy and corrupts the Linux filesystem frequently.
  • Their NTFS driver is pretty stable now, but it has taken a long time to get there with lots of very buggy versions in the past.
  • I think it's time for an unbiased, technical review for a change: Sleazy scumbags (Paragon) will always be scumbags and attract other scumbags (that fake-reviewing, affiliate-spamming website guy) to each other. So he has registered loads of domains and posted totally fake, very negative Tuxera reviews full of lies and slander, telling everyone to buy Paragon instead ("helpfully" via his affiliate-cash link). And he makes more money (up to 50% of each sale for that month) if he succeeds in tricking enough fools into buying Paragon licenses via him every month so that he reaches the higher "sales commission levels" for that month. He loses money if people buy Tuxera instead. But he can only earn money by marketing Paragon.

    tuxera ntfs review

    If Tuxera had also been sleazy enough to run an affiliate-link pyramid scheme ( like Paragon sleazily does "make money with the Paragon affiliate program, the more you sell each month the higher commission you earn for that month!"), then that douchebag would definitely be marketing Tuxera too. Gee I "wonder" why Paragon won? He has about 5 or 10 other website domains with the same reviews and the same "Don't buy Tuxera. That site is written by a scumbag who sells Paragon software via his cash referral link.

    Tuxera ntfs review